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New Site Coming Soon

Contact Fern Pessin at 704.729.4586

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Living My Optimal Life

I've adjusted my life to accommodate all my passions. While I pet sit (love of animals), I write fiction (for fun), support caregivers, and ghostwrite for people with a message and mission to share with the world. 


Come back soon to find out more or just email me at

Caregiver Support will take you to my caregiving books on Amazon. Click on Follow the Author link. 

Pet Sitting Services

Featured on and Pet Sitters Associates, I house and pet sit in North Carolina, South Carolina, New York and Connecticut. 

Writing Services

Do you have a blog or a manuscript that you're having trouble getting onto paper? I can help. 


My fiction and blogs will appear here.


The Caregiver GAP Year is just perfect and hits all aspects of reclaiming one's life aftercaregiving. Since Mom's passing in March, I've been experiencing a kind of inertia. I force myself to get the essentials done- daily/weeklyroutines...but I have lacked the bandwidth to do much else. Your book is amazing! I came away with a glimmer of excitement and hope for the months ahead. The layout and your writing style reflects your energy, joy, intelligence, and humor and are very engaging. Your resume is truly impressive, and I know your background, natural abilities, and experienceshave informed your writing.


The modules address all aspects of one's life and could be applied to any situation where someone needs to recover and reinvent after a life event. The introductions, with the anecdotes, advice, and encouragement, left me motivated. The worksheets are fabulous - detailed and spot on. I know this book will be life-changing for many, many people.                                                               SP, Bethesda, MD

Lisa, Dina's mom

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