
Blog on the caregiver journey featuring my own story and tips for thriving during challenging times

Navigating Difficult Conversations with Family

September 2023 I delivered this webinar as part one of a three part series on caring for aging loved ones hosted by Forty W Advisors, a financial planning firm in Maryland. We talk about holding those #challengingconversations around awkward topics like ceasing driving, hiring help in the house, moving to a new residence where one might be safer, and so on. How you say it is more important than what you say and this webinar focuses on how to #createCollaboration rather than conflict when you begin these talks. Engaging a team to help and bringing more people into the collaboration for care is also included. Please reach out with any questions you might have.

We Are Interconnected, Never Alone

I received two messages. One was a video by Lisa Miller about how #WeAreNeverAlone. That we are all interconnected. Fascinating both scientifically and spiritually. I found this uplifting and encouraging and wanted to share it because so many of us who are finished caregiving and have their kids out of the house and have no spouse or significant others can feel alone. The second message to me came via a posting by my friend Robert Pardi. Robert posted a challenge for us to say to the universe, every day for a week, “Today is going to bring me everything I need.” I incorporated that into my morning meditation today and will continue to include it for the next 7 days. I include personal affirmations, “I am Enough!” and “I am Worthy” in my meditations as well. My sincere hope is that when you read this, you will find these messages helpful to you as well. 

Forty W Free Webinar Series Featuring Fern Pessin

Forty W Free Webinar Series Featuring Fern Pessin

FortyW Advisors group has invited me to offer my thoughts on caregiving topics in a series of web events. All three education programs are free and open to anyone but pre-registration is required. Feel free to share with anyone you know who might find this information helpful.
Part One: Tough Talks- Navigating Difficult Conversations With Family
11:30AM EST

When someone dies while you’re there…

Being present in the moments after death is an incredible gift to yourself, it’s a gift to the people you’re with, and it’s a gift to the person who’s just died. They’re just a hair’s breath away. They’re just starting their new journey in the world without a body. If you keep a calm space around their body, and in the room, they’re launched in a more beautiful way. It’s a service to both sides of the veil.

Breadmaking Failure? Or is it?

Breadmaking Failure? Or is it?

What did I learn from baking this week? Patience. Ask for help. Don’t cook when you’re hungry because you can get hangry if things don’t work out. Follow the instructions. So there… my Gap Year lessons for this week. I guess not everything in my attempt to be bold and different going forward in my life is going to succeed right away. When I get finished eating the Dutch Apple Bread, I’m going to try the French Bread again and will hopefully have better luck.

Should I Visit Family Out of Town When I’m Supposed to Be Caregiving for My Spouse?

Taking time to enjoy your family when your spouse is unable to can give both of you a lift. Your spouse won’t feel like they are tying you down and inhibiting your life and you bring energy and vibrancy in the sharing of stories and bringing messages. Enjoying the good in life will keep you healthy enough to continue caring for your loved one.

20 Questions to Ask Your Aging Parents

Family trivia and game time can generate memories and historical context for future generations to recall and revisit. Keeping our loved one’s brains sharp is the more scientific reason for spending time asking questions.

When Help Abandons You

Help for The Youngest in this situation: I have been caring for my elderly father who is in a nursing home, somehow, for over five years. It started with three more family members helping out but now I am basically the only one. It gets harder and harder. I am only 37 years-old and the youngest of my family. For the past three months, I have done nothing but visit him and work. It has begun to conflict with my personal interests. I can’t go anywhere for long periods of time; my peace of mind has long been gone. I think I need some help.